The first Monday of every month Stacey Diaz of #philanthrolab comes to our playground event to hold a science class. Today's class was on gravity.
Today's lesson was on gravity!
“Gravity explains the motion of the planets but it cannot explain who sets the planets in motion." Isaac Newton
Ms. Stacey makes science fun and engaging for every child who attends her class. She reads a book or poem, sings a song or fun rhyme to get the children to make greater connections to the lesson. Today we sang a song about gravity to the tune of London Bridge is falling down.
Gravity is pulling down all around you.
Make and Take
Each child got to make a bouncy ball they had the choice between a small or large one. Each child selected their colors and placed it inside the form. they then put the forms in water for a minute and then they had their own personal bouncy ball. After everyone made a ball. Each child made a hypothesis as to how high the ball would bounce and then they let the ball go. Quite a few of them were close to their guesses.
Science class is always a blast thank you Ms. Stacey Diaz